A downloadable Concept

My entry for Hairic Lilred's Game Mockup Jam

I had this idea floating around in my head of some form of self damage to be used in an action game (my original thought was for a SoulsLike).
I felt this Jam would be a good opportunity to give that idea some more thought and come up with a working concept.

What I ended up with was an I-Frame system which would use your Healthbar as indicator.
Having the leftover HP as your remaining I-Frames, simmilarly to how Bloodborne has you able to regain that health this game uses them as extra shield to your health (I thought a bit about implementing such a regeneration system too, but that was a bit too much detailed balancing for a mockup and would only obstruct the main thing more)

I wanted to give the concept a heavy feel as you are using up your own health to protect yourself and Damage-Boost through enemies to beat them. Sadly as I have little experience in art I couldn't really express that and relied a lot on a few assets.

I advise you to go check them out, while they don't flow together particularly well they are all some really great assets:
- Background: ansimuz's SunnyLand Fort of Illusion 
- Enemy: chierit's Demon Slime 
- Player:  pixramen's Sci Fi Vagabond 
- Healthbar: A bit of quick Spriting from my side

If you wanna use the concept yourself you can do so, no credit required unless you want to.
However if you do put this into aworking  game please inform me, I would be very interested to see this concept be given some more life (especially because I'll be busy working on a few other small projects for the time being).

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