Welcome to Sprudel-Land, your go to place for bubbly beverages.
Pour as quickly as possible by mashing X so you can serve as much as possible before the daily taxes hit. Make sure to keep your bottle steady by pressing ↑ or Z to create a pleasing amount of bubbles and not spill the entire Mug.
The bubblier the beverage the more likely you will get a higher tip from your only customer: Yuyuko from Touhou Project.

Confirmation: X
Select/Pour Beverage: X
Balance Bottle: ⬆️ or Z

----DEVELOPER NOTE (Stardude):
Ahh finally, copy-text done. Always feels weird writing that boilerplate text as one of the final steps. But I feel I am getting better at it.
Sooo, yeah. Heyope, Stardude here.

This was a jam project done together with Lois, Elisee and Nathan for the Global Game Jam 2025. One of 3 teams on the Jam site, check out the other projects from there too (though there's only a single other one that managed to get finished).

I absolutely did not expect my first game of 2025 to be about serving beverages to Yuyuko... And I swear this has nothing to do with the fact I am currently playing Mistyas Izakaya. I am honestly still confused about how we ended up with this interpretation of the theme. Something something, beer has bubbles?

Well, not complaining, the jam was really fun and I am extremely happy with the finished project. It was also my first time doing a game with multiple peeps. It was really fun and on top of that I also didn't have to do everything myself.

On the first Jam day we worked separately on 3 Pico8 projects (1 for gameplay, 1 for systems and 1 for music), and then on the next day had to somehow merge them together. And that worked quite smoothly... though I can't recommend looking at the code. I'd also say cutting the upload time by 1 minute is good enough. Especially as we had an earlier build uploaded if we were too late.
On the post PostJamDay there was a bug fix from the other devs and some minor tweaks from me to make the game reward higher gameplay skill and speed up a few things as days go by.

Oh yeah I also learned how to use Pico8 in a 2 mere days. I think my SMW knowledge has helped greatly with that.

Last year I didn't manage to release many games, but this year will certainly be better. Atleast the project I have been polishing for over a year will soon be released. 2024 Lookback and new Project release coming... uhhh... soon... Sooner than Silksong... hopefully.


sprudel_land.p8.png 28 kB

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